FromBroken2Chosen Nonprofit Women’s Ministry

Fuel for Work Assistance

 This service is for women who find themselves in a bind with having gas to get to work until the next payday. A Fuel Card will be provided. These are physical fuel cards and will need to be distributed in such manner. Please fill out form here for assistance. Must reside or work in Union County NC. (Currently fuel cards are limited to use at QT stations only)

Family Court Self Filing Forms & Fees

This is only guided assistance provided to help with finding, filling out, filing and fee assistance of self filing forms in your county of residence. This includes divorce, and child custody self files. (Disclaimer: This is not an attorney provided service. If you have a complicated case or need legal advice please contact an attorney.) We can provide a list of resources to possible legal help upon request. Please start with this form for assistance.

Emergency Financial Support

Utilities, Rent, Phone Bills, Internet, and Vehicle Associated Payments (Due to limited funding this program is paused for the time being. Please check back at a later date.) 

Teacher Assistance (Supplies)

Teachers are amazing and they truly the heart of education.  Teachers often spend a lot of their own money on supplies, and work summer jobs to provide things for their classroom and the children in them. If you are a teacher at a Union County K-12 public school (regular or charter) who needs various classroom supplies and are having to pay for these items out of pocket please click here to fill out form here for assistance.